Iliana Morton Photography- The Blog

Wedding Photography with a Breath of Fresh Air…

Dreams Running Wild

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Last night I had a crazy crazy dream.  In my dream I was doing a photo shoot that involved pink flamingos (both the real ones and the on-a-stick-in-your-lawn variety) and horrible, awful, ugly gold lounge furniture…

Weird right?  Only a little, because I know where this came from. Yesterday my best friend Erika and my good friend and Inspired Events partner in crime Melissa and I went to the Wedding Party Bridal Show.  Among the many great things we saw, we noticed on exhibor had incorporated some of Lounge Appeal’s new collection into their display.  Among them was this set…

Honestly, I am not a fan of gold.  I just don’t like it.  But I do love this set of furniture together! 

Anyway, after the show, we headed over to Ocean Beach, had some lunch and browsed around the antique shops. I saw so many pink flamingos and I really really wanted one.  I don’t know where I’d put it or what I’d do with it, but I’ve never had tacky lawn furniture.  I mean, I don’t even have a lawn since I live in an apartment downtown. I truly have absolutely NO USE for a plastic flamingo.  But i still would love to have one. So that’s where the dream came from!

Now that i’ve told you this horrible anticlamatic story, let me tell you something else… I realized, about an hour ago actually, that my tacky photo shoot in my dream could be real and could potentially be awesome.  Thanks to doing a quick search on google images, I found a bunch of lovely images that incorporated great use of flamingo pink and gold in a beautiful, completely classy way… 

Pretty, right? So here is the lesson I re-learned today.  Your thoughts and dreams, although seemingly a little crazy at times, might be your creative bug trying to get out!  Just because you come up with a completly nutty idea does not mean it’s impossible!  Maybe the idea needs to be refined, and maybe you need the help of a true professional (I’ll let you intepret that as you please!) to do that, but your crazy dream ideas can be great!  And I have to say, sometimes the ideas that are a tad off the wall end up being the unique and personable little things that I love to photograph at your wedding 🙂

Cheers and happy dreams!

…and one more flamingo for the road.

(ok seriously… where can I get a hat like that??)

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